Robert Pattinson e Reese Witherspoo innamorati in Water for Elephants

scritto da Laura Boni

Robert Pattinson e Reese Witherspoon,  dopo La fiera delle Vanità, saranno nuovamente insieme sul grande schermo con Water For Elephants. La pellicola, targata 20th Cenrtury Fox , è un adattamento per il grande schermo del best-seller di Sara Gruen Acqua agli elefanti. In occasione dell’uscita del film, prevista per il 15 aprile 2011, sarà disponibile una nuova edizione del libro con le immagini del cast.

Vita da Circo

Tratto da un libro di Sara Gruen e ambientato durante la Grande Depressione, Water for Elephants racconta la storia di Jacob Jankowski (Robert Pattinson), studente di veterinaria che abbandona gli studi dopo l’improvvisa morte dei suoi genitori in un incidente e si unisce alla compagnia del Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth, un circo stravagante incontrato per caso.Qui Jacob conosce Marlena (Reese Whiterspoon), la star del Benzini Brothers, la ragazza che lascia ogni sera stupefatti gli spettatori coi suoi numeri acrobatici ed equestri. Tra i due scoppia la passione, ma c’è un piccolo problema: Marlena è sposata con August Rosenbluth, sadico domatore e direttore del circo che sfama le sue belve uccidendo di volta in volta un cavallo della moglie.

Ecco una delle prime immagini rubate dal set:

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc



Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets very cozy with his co-star blonde bombshell Reese Witherspoon on the set of Water for Elephants as the pair shot scenes in Los Angeles, CA on July 2, 2010. In between takes the two flirtatiously laughed and joked with each other before leaning in for a dramatic kiss scene that is sure to make any rumored girlfriends/boyfriends of the actors at least a little nervous! Fame Pictures, Inc