Promoest lancerà un nuovo sistema di traduzioni online scritto da admin 26 Novembre 2021 Promoest è un’agenzia di traduzioni professionali italiana che opera dal 1991, con un team più di 400 professionisti, e con sedi Milano e Genova e a Shangai, uno dei principali poli dello sviluppo economico mondiale. Non a caso Promoest è specializzata nelle traduzioni dall’italiano al cinese e dal cinese all’italiano. Nei prossimi mesi Promoest lancerà un nuovo sistema di traduzione professionale rapida che consentirà ad aziende e organizzazioni di ottenere un preventivo in tempo reale per la traduzione di qualunque di tipo di documento, e in particolare: traduzione di testi letterari traduzione di comunicati stampa presentazioni aziendali documenti societari quali ad esempio visure camerali contratti manuali tecnici traduzione di siti web L’azienda ha in passato già implementato l’uso di strumenti di Machine Translation al fine di ridurre i costi e le tempistiche di lavorazione di alcuni tipologie di testi, cosa che ha contribuito a ottimizzare il lavoro e la comunicazione a livello internazionale: Promoest infatti ha da tempo maturato una consolidata e comprovata esperienza nella gestione di progetti di traduzione in tutti i settori dell’industria del lavoro e in più di 50 diverse lingue. L’agenzia di traduzioni infatti opera correntemente nelle seguenti lingue: Europee: Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Portoghese, Olandese, Greco e Rumeno; Scandinave: Danese, Norvegese, Svedese e Finlandese; Slave: Russo, Polacco, Ceco, Slovacco, Ungherese, Bulgaro, Serbo-Croato, Sloveno e Albanese; Baltiche: Lituano, Estone e Lettone; Mediorientali: Arabo, Farsi, Ebraico e Turco; Asiatiche: Cinese, Giapponese e Coreano; Lingue rare. Partnership istituzionali di Promoest Promoest è socia di Elia e di Federlingue, applica il il Codice di autodisciplina per il settore dei servizi linguistici elaborato da Federlingue con CCIAA. In più, usufruisce del know-how di docenti universitari, scuole interpreti e dei nostri traduttori associati ad AITI e ANITI, dall’esperienza superiore ai cinque anni, che hanno conseguito le più alte certificazioni linguistiche. Promoest fornisce servizi di traduzione nei più importanti settori, quali: Finanziario Legale Marketing Editoria IT-Telecomunicazioni Commerciale Moda Impianti industriali La mission di Promoest è di fornire servizi di traduzione ad alto valore aggiunto per qualsiasi tipo di contenuto aziendale in lingua straniera, garantendo puntualità, qualità, rapidità e riservatezza. AGENZIA TRADUZIONI: ECCELLENZA E QUALITÀ L’azienda inoltre adotta un Sistema Qualità UNI ISO 9001/2015 e la normativa UNI EN ISO 17100/2017, specifica per il settore delle traduzioni. Nello specifico, nessun prodotto o servizio è consegnato al cliente senza aver superato tutti i controlli di Quality Assurance previsti, garantendo al cliente un elevato standard qualitativo. La qualità del prodotto finale è garantita anche dalla presenza di Project Manager Promoest dedicati, che sono l’interfaccia tra cliente e agenzia e coordinano il team tecnico. Nello specifico, il loro ruolo, oltre che tutelare cliente e garantire tempestività e puntualità nella consegna del servizio, consiste nel definire i percorsi operativi per la giusta consegna del prodotto finale: puntualità, qualità, rapidità e riservatezza dei contenuti sono gli obiettivi che si pongono i professionisti di Promoest. ENGLISH VERSION Professional translations for Companies Promoest is an International Translations Agency working for big multinational in all sectors. The company was funded in 1991 and since then Promoest has been producing legal, financial, pharmaceutical, industrial and technical translations for some of the largest companies in the world. Thanks to a team of more than 400 professionals in three continents and an Artificial Intelligence software that helps analyze texts and identify the best translators, Promoest is able to translate any type of technical document. In the following lines we indicate all type of translations we can produce for you. Technical and Industrial Translations Promoest has a deep experience with technical translations. These type of documents include technical manuals, Patents, Catalogues, Technical specifications, User manuals, Electronic manuals, Operating manuals, White papers, Manuals for professional training, Manuals for safety procedures, User manuals, Technical proposals, Scientific reports, Product data sheets, Data sheets techniques, etc. Promoest specific services by languages are the following: Technical Translations English to Italian Technical Translations German to Italian Technical Translations French to Italian Technical Translations Spanish to Italian Finance and insurance translations Promoest can translate all type of financial documents such as: Income statements, balance sheets, bank records and guarantees, insurance documents, public offers, IPO documents, tax returns, fiscal statements, financial and investment prospects, annual reports, auditors’ reports, cash flow statements. Some specific links: Finance translations English to Italian or also more specific pages such as Balance sheet translation English to Italian Finance translations Spanish to Italian or also more specific pages such as Balance sheet translation Spanish to Italian Finance translations German to Italian or also more specific pages such as Balance sheet translation German to Italian Finance translations French to italian or also more specific pages such as Balance sheet translation French to Italian Legal and judicial translations Promoest works for worldwide companies helping them translate any kind of legal document such as: Patents and trademarks, contracts, Terms and Conditions, Confidentiality Agreements, Internal Policies, Privacy (GDPR Compliant) Policies, Service Agreements, Non-disclosure Agreements, Licence Agreements. Some specific pages: Legal Translations English to Italian Legal Translations Spanish to Italian Legal Translations German to Italian Legal Translations French to Italian Medical / Pharmaceutical translations Promoest works for worldwide Pharma companies helping them translate any kind of scientific document such as: Pharmaceutical bulletins, Informed consent forms, Regulatory Agencies Documentation, Manual for laboratories, Clinical Trials, Clinical reports, Scientific Market Surveys, Pharma policies, Pharma Distribution contracts. Some specific pages: Pharmaceutical Translations English to Italian Pharmaceutical Translations Spanish to Italian Pharmaceutical Translations German to Italian Pharmaceutical Translations French to Italian Marketing translations Promoest has a long history working on marketing translations for Publishing companies, Marketing and Advertising agencies, web marketing companies / software houses. Some specific pages: Marketing Translations English to Italian Marketing Translations Spanish to Italian Marketing Translations German to Italian Marketing Translations French to Italian Some news from Promoest: The future of translations Industry according to AI ChatGPT Banned from ICML The future of translations according to AI Professional translations languages Thanks to our team of professional translators, we are able to work currently with more than 50 languages : English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Chinese, Korean, Danish, Estonian Hebrew, Farsi, Finnish, Japanese, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian , Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Hungarian are just some of these languages. And for companies who need a less common language, Promoest can in any case find the perfect solution for any need. Promoest Online translation system for professional translations Our online translation system is for companies who need to receive a professional translation in a very quick time. The system works from the main page Here are some simple instructions in order to get your quote and receive your professional translation very quickly. 1) Upload your file using the form you find on this page. Our software is able to read all the main text file formats: doc, docx and pdf. Just make sure that the text is not placed inside an image, in which case our software will not be able to read it. 2) Choose the speed and quality you need, only you know how precious and/or urgent the professional technical translation you need is. Whatever your choice, at least two professionals will take care of your translation, so as to guarantee you a high-quality result. 3) Enter your data very carefully, you will receive your translation at the email address you entered. So make sure it is entered correctly. The rest of the data will be used to complete your invoice. 4) Enter your credit card details and complete the payment. If you need to use a different payment method, do not hesitate to contact us, we will find the best solution together. 5) Make yourself comfortable, you will find your translation in your mailbox within the agreed times. Partnerships and certifications A member of Elia and Federlingue, Promoest applies the Language Services Self-Discipline Code drawn up by Federlingue and CCIAA. In addition, we benefit from the know-how of university lecturers, interpreting schools and our translators associated with AITI and ANITI, who have obtained the highest language certifications for translations at an international level. We adopt a UNI ISO 9001/2015 Quality System and the UNI EN ISO 17100/2017 standard, specific to the translation sector. Some news regarding translations market found by Promoest on different sources online: The future of translations according to AI How ICML banned ChatGPT Artificial Intellingence