Estate 2010: le scarpe con le zeppe fanno ancora tendenza

scritto da Alice Ziveri

Più pratiche dei tacchi, risultano più casual e semplici da indossare durante la giornata, senza rinunciare, al contempo, a quello slancio e quel tocco di grazia che, soprattutto quando l’afa costringe a lasciare le gambe scoperte, sono quasi indispensabili.
Conferiscono per natura un’apparenza molto cosmopolita, da ragazza di mondo ed indipendente.
Ma non diamole troppo per scontate: indubbiamente più facili di un paio di tacchi a spillo, restano comunque scarpe alte che a lungo andare affaticano gambe e piedi. E se, con il loro essere piene e robuste, aiutano a far sembrare più sottili le caviglie grosse, possono spesso apparire ingombranti e sgraziate su gambe già sottili o se combinate con indumenti skinny.
Occhio quindi agli abbinamenti.

Per un look disimpegnato

Di corda, di sughero, rafia, vinile, addirittura plexiglas: basta fare un giro nei negozi per rendersi conto della varietà, e non soltanto nei materiali.
Di forme e altezze ce n’è per tutti i gusti: dalla pianella a piedistalli vertiginosi.
E per tutti gli stili: non importa che siate un tipo hippy o da discoteca, una sportiva o una "fru-fru" – di certo troverete i colori e le decorazioni che fanno per voi.
Ricordate però che questo tipo di scarpe si sposano bene con un look spensierato, casual. Naturalmente se ne trovano di più ricercate, chic; ma per qualcosa di propriamente elegante o da serata, meglio andare sui tacchi.
Ecco quindi un breve elenco di do’s e dont’s delle scarpe con zeppa.

Sì con:

– Gonne ondeggianti, dalla linea morbida
– Look bohémienne
– Tessuti sottili, diafani
– Abiti a vestaglia (wrap dresses)
– Jeans o pantaloni svasati
– Gauchos

No con:

– Gonne a tubino
– Pantaloni sotto al ginocchio
– Pantaloni a sigaretta o skinny

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

Kate Hudson, in questa foto scattata a New York, sfoggia un look perfetto e casual, con camicia leggera semitrasparente, sbottonata, pantaloni militari appena sopra la caviglia, zeppe in legno e borsone scamosciato con frange lunghissime.

Fonte immagine 1: Flickr

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,

40045, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Friday April 30, 2010. Kate Hudson buys a guitar for her son Ryder Robinson as he wears it around his shoulder as he scoots next to her through NYC. Ryder, 6, who has just recently sported shorter locks, is the son of Kate Hudson and her previous husband, musician Chris Robinson who is the lead singer of The Black Crowes. Kate, who is currently filming Something Borrowed with co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, looked casually cool in a sheer white button up top with capris and wedge heels. She later took Ryder to enjoy an icy treat, which he seemed to enjoy with his new guiatr. Photograph: Castro,