Autore: Fun

Fun – Some Nights

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Axamillion morals, difference in opinion I was with him, he had 7 jack and cokes in him They had platform heels, nose job bills And some look…

Fun – radio on radio

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Let’s have a celebration By the sea (by the sea) And get together in peace and harmony A celebration, come and, have some fun Singing oh oh…

Fun – Big Lies

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Axamillion morals, difference in opinion I was with him, he had 7 jack and cokes in him They had platform heels, nose job bills And some look…

Fun – Fun

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One, two, three and I come with the redneck style ‘cause you know I get paid by the mile, like Avis I pave this, Fast save this,…

Fun – Friends

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Lost your course along the way Lost your course but you found another view taking all of your time I can’t understand what you’re trying to find,…

Fun – If I Fell

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Making a bet and I feel that I should have known better Turning the pages so slow as I ever could Shot shot I need a shot…